About Me

Oliver Hetherington-Page is still trying to figure out what he is going to do when he grows up. For he now describe his career ambitions as a slashie as that is better than undecided.

The Actor

Oliver was literally named after a character in a movie musical. At least that is his story and he is sticking too it. As such he believes he was destined to act and or go through life asking for more. He saw his first show on stage at Age 3 and immediately demanded to be on stage. At 5 his parents relented and signed him up for theatre classes at Fame Theatre Company. At 7 he had his first successful audition for Charlotte’s Web and has never been far from a theatre since. He has been involved with Brisbane Arts Theatre, Brisbane Youth Drama Ensemble, Little Red Theatre Company, Fame Theatre Company, Studio Theatre Cafe and Harvest Rain. In 2016 he completed a full time film and TV acting coarse through Australian Film and Television Studios. He has just completed his second year of a Bachelor of Fine Arts Drama at Queensland University of Technology.

He is regular withdrawer from the bank of parental finance promising to repay it once he is rich and famous and pledging to mention his undying love to both parents in his Oscar/BAFTA/Tony/Helpman/Olivier/Emmy/Logie/Golden Globe acceptance speech.

The Reviewer

Oliver is a classic millennial, who thinks he’s entitled to an opinion and isn’t afraid to share it. His first review was broadcast on ABC Radio at age 6 and had recurring reviewing gigs since then. In 2017 he began Ride Home Review a podcast where he and his co-host and mother Susan Hetherington review a show in the time it takes them to drive home. In 2018 he picked up a regular film-reviewing gig with Super Quick Reviews.

The Writer

Oliver refused to allow the fact that his first full length work- a modern retelling of the Greek myth Pygmalion told using blow up dolls- was not only censored but resulted in him being thrown out of a catholic boys high school drama class to kill his desire to write. He is a prolific writer with virtual draws full of scripts, short stories and novellas in various stages of development. While none of his fiction has ever been published his works are currently under consideration with both Anywhere Theatre Festival and Two Braids Collective. He is still hoping to one-day stage his modern adaptation of Pygmalion.

to Check out my Full CV click here