A Few Words About ME

Why listen to me?

I Believe in

Oliver Hetherington-Page was literally named after a character in a movie musical. At least that is his story and he is sticking too it. As such he believes he was destined to go through life asking for more, more recognition for the arts, more opportunities for emerging performers, more respect for musical theatre, more shows that aren’t Cats, more understanding for people such on the autism spectrum which in turn will all hopefully lead to more paycheques for himself.

Oliver is a classic millennial, who thinks he’s entitled to an opinion and isn’t afraid to share it. He is a full time drama student and a regular withdrawer from the bank of parental finance.

He reviews movies for Super Quick Review and theatre on the podcast Ride Home Reviews. He also discusses the arts in general on West Bremen Radio’s weekly pop culture show The Sunday Sesh.

While he enjoys critiquing others his first love is performing. He completed a full time film acting programme at Australian Film and Television International in 2016 and will complete his drama degree at the end of 2019. He will make his directorial debut directing Cramping my Style a cabaret about periods (A show he is totally qualified to direct as a straight white man).

Oliver refused to allow the fact that his first full length work- a modern retelling of the Greek myth Pygmalion told using blow up dolls- was not only censored but resulted in him being thrown out of a catholic boys high school drama class to kill his desire to write. Just the opposite the blow up dolls has been given more air in his debut one act play #It’s Complicated which he also plans to act in.

He also has and continues to bring his autistic-lived experience to the stage having been cast in the lead role in the staged reading of Carrying On at the Gold Coast Film Festival 2019. He hopes to continue to make his difference his point of difference.
2019 fims seen
2018 Cups of coffee
Problems solved